All features

One platform for your digital safety needs

Track all activities like call history, GPS location, text messages, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, web history and more!

📝Note: Requires Physical Access

Social Media Tracking

Spy on popular social media app such as Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber and many more. Track the entire social media activities remotely and make sure your kids are not exposing themselves to online threat.

Facebook spy feature that enables you to spy on Facebook activities of your targets remotely.

Track each and every instagram activity of target device remotely

Track each and every skype activity of target device remotely

Track each and every sent and receiver viber messgaes of target device remotely

Spy on WhatsApp messages remotely and track both sent and received messages

Spy on all Telegram texts and even the hidden conversations remotely.

Spy on LinkedIn account and find every ongoing chats and connections.

Spy on all Twitter texts and even the tweets and followings.

Track each and every youtube activity of target device remotely

Track each and every tiktok activity of target device remotely


Phone Activity

Spy Calls, Contacts, SMS and Simcard Information along with location of remote device. Track the entire phone activity remotely and make sure your kids are not exposing themselves to threat.

Track every incoming and outgoing call along with timestamp and duration and details about caller.

Track every contacts and details of contant of target device

Track and record every sent or received messages via SMS or IM chats, even removed messages

Track Simcards detail and its location of remote device

Multimedia Monitor

Spy on multimedia apps like Photo and Videos. You can monitor the entire gallery section remotely and be sure that your kids are not storing any nudes or porn.

View all the photos and videos taken, saved, or downloaded on the target device.

Spy on the videos of target devices without any hassle.


Application Features

Spy on popular applications and web data along with browser data. Track remote phone’s email, applications and browsing history make sure your kids are not exposing themselves to threat.

Tracks target users browsing history, monitors websites they visit frequently.

Monitor installed applications, installed date and time, size and version of a targeted device.

View the installed apps list and get the app screen time.

Locations Tracking

Track GPS history and location of remote device and get alert of their location with geo-fence feature. Monitoring location keeps your loved ones safe and secure

Keeps track of the target device location in real-time, and provides 99.99% of accurate location.

Set areas for the target device and get an alert when the device enters the restricted areas.

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Monitor Logs

Spy to logs of remote devices without letting them know. You can track the keystrokes used in social media which will help you keep your children safe from online threats and online fake friendship

Track the Keystrokes from WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, Viber, and Facebook Messenger.

Provides Wi-Fi connection history along with location, date, and time stamps for each login.

Alert and Notification

Provides, call alert, SMS alert, contact alert and more.

The call alert app of MobileSpy alerts you when the target device calls or receives calls from a saved contact as well as an unknown number, along with the call details.

The SMS alert app provides instant notification to users when a message is shared between the target device and a known/unknown number.

With MobileSpy’s new contact saved alert app, you will get instant alerts whenever the target user adds a new contact.


MobileSpy is Securing your Digital Space Like No One Else

And Many More! Enjoy advanced monitoring features with MobileSpy.